Monday, June 16, 2014

A Fabulous Fifth Frozen Birthday!

This summer both of my nieces turn five years old. Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family, so of course we planned to do something very special for their fifths. And like every kid in America age 3-10, they are absolutely obsessed with Frozen. I'll admit I'm a big Olaf fan myself. I got my start surfing Pinterest for some much needed pinspiration, but instead I found myself being more intimidated than inspired. Some of the Frozen parties I saw were so over the top and well done, with every aspect from the movie somehow incorporated into the event. Of course the competitor in me wondered, how could I top that? I had my work cut out for me, but I've never been one to back down from a challenge.

I decided to began with the display table. After multiple trips to Walmart, Target, and Party City, I decided to go with a poster board for my main attraction. I painted it Extreme Glitter Blue, added silver glitter and a few foam snowflakes I had left over from Christmas. I then taped a $5 Frozen poster I found at Walmart, in the center of the board. I later decided to drape it with a tulle like fabric I found at Walmart. It hid all the imperfections and gave it a clean crisp look. For the display food items, I tried to incorporate details from the movie; pretzels representing Olaf's limbs, carrots for his noses, marshmallows for snowballs, etc. To give the table a more poufy princess look, I used safety pins to attach individual pieces of tulle to it.

For the games I decided on Pin the Nose on Olaf, Find Elsa's Missing Glove, and Make a Edible Olaf. Each were inspired by posts I found on Pinterest. For Pin the Nose on Olaf, I simply purchased a white poster board and drew Olaf (make sure to leave his nose out) and a very simple background. I then cut out little noses using orange construction paper, and taped them to the posted board. Elsa's missing glove was the easiest. I used blue construction paper to cut out a faux glove, and hid it for the children to find. I typed up the message on my computer and read it aloud for the kids, asking for their help in finding Elsa's glove. I think the biggest hit was Build an Edible Olaf. I put Marshmallows, Mini Pretzel Sticks, and Reeses M&Ms in little plastic baggies and stapled little notes to them.

The kids loved all the games and had a blast. This party totaled less than $300, including the food and beverages. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, and if your interested in having Jacquelyne Edith Events, LLC throw a Frozen Birthday Party for your special little  someone, please visit my website and fill out a consultation form. As always I hope this was helpful or at least entertaining to someone! Thanks for reading and until next week!

Jacquelyne Edith



Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Who is Jacquelyne Edith: The little lady with the big plans!

1. I am a military veteran. I served six years Active Duty in the United States Air Force and it was during that time that I developed such a strong passion for event coordination. I gained a significant amount of experience coordinating retirement parties, farewells, holiday parties, baby showers and many other events. While serving a six month tour in Afghanistan I had the opportunity to assist in operating the base United Services Organization (USO) morale center. It was there that I learned how to successfully coordinate, budget, and execute large scale events.

2. As of January 2014, I am a licensed and registered Event Planner. My mission is to bring classy and cultured, social events to the Hampton Roads night life. These events include but are not limited to speed dating, open mic, karaoke, and themed large scale events. My company also provides coordination for private social events to include weddings, themed birthday parties for children and adults, baby showers, bridal showers, graduation parties, as well as corporate events and fundraisers! Lastly, we help restaurants increase their clientele through special events. As a full service Event Planner I provide a full range of consultation and coordination services.

3. I am a community volunteer. I volunteer at two of the Boys and Girls Clubs in downtown Newport News on a weekly basis. While there, I help with homework, teach arts and crafts, and assist with the coordination of club events. My company also coordinates monthly group birthday parties for Boys and Girls Club members age 6-10, free of charge as a way of giving back. But I need your help in continuing to provide this service! Spread the word about Jacquelyne Edith Events, purchase tickets to attend events, and next time you need an event coordinated just give me a shout!

4. Lastly, I am a conservationist. It is my greatest desire to preserve this Earth and its resources for later generations who will inherit it. I am an avid recycler and up-cycler, and through my business I hope to inspire others to recycle and up-cycle as well. Ask about Jacquelyne Edith Events, LLC's Green Events!