I decided to began with the display table. After multiple trips to Walmart, Target, and Party City, I decided to go with a poster board for my main attraction. I painted it Extreme Glitter Blue, added silver glitter and a few foam snowflakes I had left over from Christmas. I then taped a $5 Frozen poster I found at Walmart, in the center of the board. I later decided to drape it with a tulle like fabric I found at Walmart. It hid all the imperfections and gave it a clean crisp look. For the display food items, I tried to incorporate details from the movie; pretzels representing Olaf's limbs, carrots for his noses, marshmallows for snowballs, etc. To give the table a more poufy princess look, I used safety pins to attach individual pieces of tulle to it.
For the games I decided on Pin the Nose on Olaf, Find Elsa's Missing Glove, and Make a Edible Olaf. Each were inspired by posts I found on Pinterest. For Pin the Nose on Olaf, I simply purchased a white poster board and drew Olaf (make sure to leave his nose out) and a very simple background. I then cut out little noses using orange construction paper, and taped them to the posted board. Elsa's missing glove was the easiest. I used blue construction paper to cut out a faux glove, and hid it for the children to find. I typed up the message on my computer and read it aloud for the kids, asking for their help in finding Elsa's glove. I think the biggest hit was Build an Edible Olaf. I put Marshmallows, Mini Pretzel Sticks, and Reeses M&Ms in little plastic baggies and stapled little notes to them.
Jacquelyne Edith
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