Wednesday, July 16, 2014

5 Great Questions to Ask When Networking

Networking is an extremely important part of building a business, but doing it correctly is no easy task. A lot of people think networking is all about business, but the best networking relationships are built when people actually get to know one another. Below I have listed 5 great questions to ask when networking, that will allow you to dig deeper and get the best results from your future networking experiences. This information was derived from
1. What caused you to get involved in.....?
Most people enjoy telling stories, especially about themselves. This gives them the opportunity to do so and you listening tentatively will help them to build rapport with you. You'll also get to learn something new about them.
2.  What do you love best about your job?
This question keeps the mood light and allows you to see what aspect of their job they are truly passionate about. This is most likely the area they excel in.


3. What one thing would you do if you knew that you could not fail?
I really love this question. It allows people to dream for a moment and like the question above you can really get to see what it is they are passionate about. Also talking to you about their dream could build a lasting bond especially if you are passionate about the same things, like helping people, or making the world a better place :)
9. If someone who knew you well were to describe you in one sentence what would he/she say?

This question allows an individual to think of themselves from an outside perspective. You may get to see a side of them you were not able to see when asking the above questions, because the way we see are selves is usually a bit different then how others perceive us.
5. What do you enjoy doing when you have free time?
This question allows you to get to know their hobbies and it also offers a bit of information about their personal life as well. You might find that you both like playing tennis, and decide to set up a time for you all to match up and further build that networking relationship.
Networking should be fun. Its not a job interview or a boxing match. Ask questions that keep the conversation going and the mood light! Oh and if your ever in Hampton Roads or the surrounding area make sure to drop by at my weekly networking event, The Networking Games, held every Wednesday at 5pm at Green House. The link to register is below. Until next week. Happy Networking!

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