Thursday, July 24, 2014

Marvel Themed Birthday Celebration

This coming Monday my super amazing man-friend is celebrating another year on this earth...but not with me. He will be spending the weekend with his mother, (because all amazing man-friends love their mothers) and I will be in Northern VA, attending a Baby Shower for one of my dearest friends. Why does this matter? Well, since we will both be out of town this weekend, we decided to celebrate his birthday last weekend....Marvel Style :) We invited our closest friends and asked them to dress up as their favorite super hero or villain, or to create their own. Of course I turned to Pinterest for some much needed guidance. The super moms had struck again. I was overwhelmed with all the Marvel greatness I had stumbled upon. It was very clear to me that I needed to create the best Gotham City backdrop my small budget and limited apartment space would allow.
Poster Boards have become my friend. They are so versatile you can pretty much create any backdrop from them. They're cheap, reusable, and they stand on their own. I found a royal blue one at Michaels and went to work. The most tedious part was cutting out all of the windows for the sky scrapers, but once I got past that it was smooth sailing.
As far as the food, I had found the cutest mini burgers on Pinterest and decided to attempt to recreate them. Unfortunately, mini burger buns were nowhere to be found. So I decided on Hawaiian Sweet bread and used meatballs and mini cheese slices to create the mini burgers displayed below. I don't eat meat, but I was told they were yummy :)

As for the rest of the display, I went with the classic candy jar, and flat glass display also filled with candy from Party City. The Hulk cake from Scratch Bakery acted as the center piece. Beside it sat the homemade fry display made from a recycled box and scrapbooking paper, and also on the table were mini mason jars with straws and name labels, and plastic utensils and silverware.

We played a few adult party games found on The paper bag game was a hit! Each player had to pick up the paper bag on one leg using only their mouth. After each round everyone folds their paper down and it just gets more and more difficult and more and more hilarious. By the way, it pays to be short sometimes :)

This party was a lot of fun to put together, and fairly easy. All in all we had a great time and that's what matters most. Ok you party animals, until next time :)

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