I purchased the binder and dividers from Office Depot. Their See Jane Work collection is so chic and feminine! After my trip to Office Depot, I dashed over to Michaels to see what I might find to decorate her binder and customize it specifically for her. I found some bejeweled stick on flowers as well as some bright blue glitter lettering I thought would really make her binder pop.
Lastly, I realized I had no idea how to organize a wedding planning binder, so I took a trip to Barnes and Noble and peaked in a few of theirs. They were gorgeous, but pretty pricy if you ask me. I organized her binder into five parts: the big picture, the budget, the wedding party, vendor contacts, and the guests. But you can organize your binder however you like! It only cost me around $15 to make my Brides planner as opposed to the $35+ ones being sold at Barnes and Noble. Being organized when planning a wedding is certainly a must, but so is budgeting expenses. Try and keep costs down when possible and incorporate various DIY's. Planning a great wedding doesn't mean you have to break the bank!
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